100% natural mother juices from the fruits of our region
Production began with the harvesting and sale of fresh Haskap berries, since the family farm (OPG) Babojelić has its own orchard with over 6,000 blueberry bushes. The basic idea was to use our own quality raw materials for mother juice. After the excellent reactions to the Haskap mother juice, we soon added products from raw materials of friendly ecological family farms (OPGs) to the offer and made new juices from Haskap, Apple, Tayberry, Pear, Blueberry and Blackberry.
100% fruit | 100% pressed | 100% natural
The idea is clear
The production of quality domestic products in a completely healthy environment, the quality of which we guarantee with our craft production and the choice of the best raw materials from which they are obtained.
We choose only the best quality fruit and make the best homemade fruit juice, not concentrates!